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Life aboard an Antarctic cruise expedition

  1. Conquering Antarctica. The 7th continent, the final frontier, the land of the penguins
  2. Arriving in Ushuaia at the End of the world
  3. Crossing the drake passage to Antarctica
  4. Life aboard an Antarctic cruise expedition
  5. A typical “Sea” day aboard an Antarctic cruise Expedition

note: picture gallery of entire trip here
note: full itinerary of cruise here 

After crossing the Drake passage you’ll first reach the South Shetland islands which has large penguin breeding colonies. It’s interesting, it’s worth the visit but it’s not why I’m here. I can see breeding penguins in the zoo and breeding penguin wild life colonies in Argentina, South Africa or New Zealand. I’m here for the 7th continent.

antarctica 7th continent
I’ve reached my 7th continent, Antarctica.

It has always been my dream and finally the expedition leader would announce over the loud speakers that if you looked port side you’d be able to see land.

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